Rank Higher in Search Results for Landscapers

Organic SEO, Pay-Per-Click and Web Design Experts

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Get More Leads & More Customers

We Specialize in Providing Digital Marketing Services for Landscaping Companies

Typical Results

Within 3 Months

More Organic Traffic

More Leads

Faster Load Time

It Starts With Targeting the Right Keywords

Zeroing in on Effective Keywords We don't just chase the most popular search terms; we target the ones that lead to project inquiries and engagements, also known as money keywords. Our thorough research encompasses understanding the vernacular and issues of your prospective clients and pinpointing keywords that will attract the right visitors to your site.


Optimize Your Lawn Care Website

The Key to Increasing Leads & Securing Projects The secret to garnering more business for landscapers is in mastering the distinct SEO strategies pertinent to the landscaping sector. With RedBrick's proficient team, we ensure your services reach the homeowners and businesses seeking them the most. We immerse ourselves in keyword research, honing your website content to focus on the search terms your prospective clients are currently inputting into search engines.

Local SEO

Dominating the Local Landscaping Market Local SEO is crucial for landscapers. We enhance your website to feature prominently in local searches, guaranteeing that your business appears in the critical "near me" search results. Our strategies include optimizing your Google My Business profile, garnering favorable reviews, and ensuring your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is consistent across the internet.

On-Page Optimization

Crafting Content That Resonates with Landscaping Clients RedBrick knows that on-page optimization for landscapers is about more than just keyword insertion. It involves crafting informative, captivating content that addresses the specific needs and questions of your clientele. We refine your service pages, blog articles, and FAQs to make them accessible and appealing to both search engines and users.

Backlink Building

Solidifying Trust High-quality backlinks are a vote of confidence for search engines. We support you in developing a network of credible links that boost your website's credibility and ranking.

Enhance Leads & SERP Positions with SEO for Landscapers Boosting leads and SERP positions is a complex task that RedBrick excels in. Our landscaping SEO services are comprehensive and tailored to the needs of your business.

Continuous Optimization

Keeping You at the Forefront SEO is an ongoing endeavor. We continuously evaluate your website's performance, keeping abreast of the latest search engine algorithms and modifying our strategies as needed to maintain your competitive edge.

Looking To Have Your Lawn Care Site Rank on the First Page?

a screenshot of a video game

We Build Beautiful Lawn Care Websites

Why Work with RedBrick as Your Digital Marketing Agency?

When choosing a digital marketing partner, the difference is clear. Here's how we stand out:

The Other Guys

  •  Talk mumbo jumbo, focusing on buzz words and jargon
  • Avoid commitments, leaving you in the dark about expectations
  • Use outdated and clunky web platforms
  • Bind you to long-term contracts
  • Nickel and dime you for additional services
  • Drive low-quality, non-converting traffic

The RedBrick Way

  • Focus solely on results. Your success is our success.
  • Set clear milestones with guarantees. We're as invested as you are.
  • Use our RedBrick proprietary platform tailor-made to Home Services. Lightning fast, user-friendly, secure. 
  • Offer flexible agreements. We won't hold your feet to the fire. 
  • All inclusive. CRO, A/B testing, UX optimization, and so much more. 
  • Drive lead-generating traffic, tailored to convert and boost your business

SEO Case Study for Home Services

Within the first 90 days, we were able to double traffic and leads for an Atlanta Home Services Company. Our methods are proven to work and we ensure that our clients are informed with the latest happenings around their site's development.

Our Portfolio

a red and black logo
a red and black logo
a red and black logo
a red and black logo


Q What is SEO for Landscapers?


SEO for landscapers refers to the process of optimizing a landscaping business's online presence to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for searches related to landscaping services. Given that many people turn to search engines like Google to find local services, including landscaping, appearing prominently in search results can significantly increase visibility and business opportunities for landscapers.

Q How Does SEO Increase Leads for Landscapers?


SEO increases leads for landscapers by enhancing their visibility in search engine results when potential customers are actively seeking landscaping services. By optimizing their website with relevant keywords, securing local listings, and generating authoritative backlinks, landscapers can appear more prominently in SERPs, particularly for local searches such as "landscaper near me" or "landscape design services." As the landscaping business ranks higher for these search terms, the website is more likely to be clicked on by users, leading to increased web traffic and, consequently, more service inquiries and potential sales.

Q Tracking ROI for SEO


Tracking Return on Investment (ROI) for SEO involves measuring the performance of your SEO efforts and comparing it against the costs incurred in implementing those strategies.

Q How Long Does it Take for SEO Results?


The timeline for seeing tangible results from SEO efforts can vary widely, but generally, it's reasonable to expect some initial results within 3 to 6 months, with more significant progress often taking 6 to 12 months or more.

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