a group of colorful plastic toys

Why Doesn't My Business Show Up on Google Maps?

Getting your business to show up on Google Maps can be confusing if you notice it's missing. There are a few common reasons - maybe you don't have a verified Google My Business profile, you don't have enough online information about your business, or there are inconsistencies in your data across the web. The way Google's algorithms work and what they look for in deciding which businesses to list is complicated.

The good news is that once you understand what it takes to get on Google Maps, you can troubleshoot why your business isn't showing up. Then you can make sure your business not only appears but also stands out among other local businesses listed there.

The key is learning what information Google wants and making sure your online presence provides it consistently and completely. With some strategic effort, you can resolve the issues and gain that all-important placement on Google Maps, where so many potential customers look for local businesses like yours.

Why doesn't my business show up on Google Maps?

If you're a business owner, you've probably wondered why your business doesn't show up on Google Maps. There are a few reasons why this might happen.

1. Your business is not verified.

In order for your business to show up on Google Maps, it needs to be verified. This means that you need to claim your Google My Business profile and verify your ownership of the business. You can do this by phone, mail, or email.

2. Your business information is incomplete or inaccurate.

Google uses a variety of factors to determine which businesses to show in its search results, including the completeness and accuracy of the business information. Make sure that your Google My Business profile has all of the relevant information, such as your business name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation.

3. Your business is not relevant to the search query.

Google also takes into account the relevance of the business to the search query. If you're searching for "restaurants near me," Google will show you restaurants in your area. If you're searching for "plumbers in San Francisco," Google will show you plumbers in San Francisco.

4. Your business is too far away from the search location.

Google also takes into account the distance of the business from the search location. If you're searching for "restaurants near me," Google will show you restaurants that are within a reasonable driving distance.

5. Your business is not prominent enough.

Google also takes into account the prominence of the business. This includes factors such as the number of reviews the business has, the quality of the reviews, and whether the business has been featured in the news or other media outlets.

6. Your business is suspended or disabled.

If your business listing has been suspended or disabled, it will not show up on Google Maps. This can happen if you violate Google's guidelines, such as by posting spam or misleading content.

7. You have duplicate Google My Business listings.

If you have multiple Google My Business listings for the same business, Google may only show one of them. This can happen if you have different listings for different locations, or if you have created a new listing after your old listing was suspended or disabled.

What can you do if your business doesn't show up on Google Maps?

If your business doesn't show up on Google Maps, there are a few things you can do:

  • Verify your Google My Business profile.
  • Make sure that your business information is complete and accurate.
  • Optimize your Google My Business profile for relevant keywords.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews for your business.
  • Get involved in your community and build links to your website.
  • Monitor your Google My Business profile for any changes or suspensions.

If you've followed all of these steps and your business is still not showing up on Google Maps, get in touch with us and we can troubleshoot exactly why your business is not appearing on Google Maps.